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13 products listed
Membership Duo
For a whole year, with the person of your choice, get unlimited and priority access to the Bourse de Commerce in Paris, Palazzo Grassi and Punta della Dogana in Venice and off-site exhibitions of the Pinault Collection and:
- Receive invitations to exhibition openings
- Take part in an exclusive programme of guided tours and encounters
- Benefit from 30% rate at events
- Discover special offers proposed by our partners
- Book children workshops and family tours for free
- Enjoy discounts at the bookshops of the three museums and at La Halle aux grains restaurant
Your membership card is nominative and personal; it is valid for one year from the date of issue. Your card is available in digital format that you can directly download on your mobile (please indicate the name of the beneficiary when you save it) or in physical format that you can withdraw at the ticketing office or receive by post (France and Italy only, €3,50).
To renew your Membership in physical format, please choose “Membership renewal” at the “Delivery” stage. We invite you to come at the Information-Tickets desk at your next visit to collect your sticker. In the meantime, you can enjoy all your advantages online.
Super Cercle Under 27s
Under 27? You have a free acess to the Bourse de Commerce from 4 pm onwards!
With your Super Cercle membership, we offer you :
- Free access to the Bourse de Commerce every day from 4 pm onwards
- Exhibition tickets at the preferential rate of 7€ before 4 pm
- Invitations to events throughout the year
- Privileged offers from the partner institutions of the Bourse de Commerce - Pinault Collection
You just have to sign up for a free digital Super Cercle card and provide proof of identity to enjoy your benefits and book your tickets.
Your membership card is issued in your name and is strictly personal; it is valid for one year from the date of issue.
*Offer reserved for the under 26s. Proof of age will be requested upon entry.
Membership Solo
For a whole year, get unlimited and priority access to the Bourse de Commerce in Paris, Palazzo Grassi and Punta della Dogana in Venice and off-site exhibitions of the Pinault Collection and:
- Receive invitations to exhibition openings
- Take part in an exclusive programme of guided tours and encounters
- Benefit from 30% rate at events
- Discover special offers proposed by our partners
- Book children workshops and family tours for free
- Enjoy discounts at the bookshops of the three museums and at La Halle aux grains restaurant
Your membership card is nominative and personal; it is valid for one year from the date of issue. Your card is available in digital format that you can directly download on your mobile (please indicate the name of the beneficiary when you save it) or in physical format that you can withdraw at the ticketing office or receive by post (France and Italy only, €3,50).
To renew your Membership in physical format, please choose “Membership renewal” at the “Delivery” stage. We invite you to come at the Information-Tickets desk at your next visit to collect your sticker. In the meantime, you can enjoy all your advantages online.
Open ticket
Bourse de Commerce
Bourse de Commerce
This open-date ticket valid for 1 year offers you priority access to current exhibitions without reservation.
Visite guidée Membership
Meeting point : Groups ReceptionBourse de Commerce
Meeting point : Groups ReceptionBourse de Commerce
Guided visit
La saison continue avec un cycle de visites portées sur la danse des corps présentés dans l’exposition, offrant une vision en mouvement de ces sujets. Les visites « Corps en danse, corps en transe » vous feront entrer dans la grande chorégraphie d’artistes telles qu'Anna Halprin, Lynette Yiadom-Boakye ou encore Anne Imhof.
Durée des visites : 1h15
Visites gratuites réservées aux membres Pinault Collection, sur réservation, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Balade Membership à Venise
Hors les mursBourse de Commerce
Hors les mursBourse de Commerce
À l'occasion des expositions Tatiana Trouvé au Palazzo Grassi et Thomas Schütte à la Punta della Dogana, ainsi que de la Biennale d’architecture, rendez-vous à Venise le temps d'un week-end.
Au programme :
Jeudi 5 : Dîner à partir de 20h à la Taverna La Fenice pour rencontrer votre guide Morgane Evrard et les équipes Pinault Collection.
Vendredi 6 : Biennale d’architecture de 11h à 13h et de 15h à 17h, suivez la guide dans l’Arsenal et les Giardini.
Samedi 7 : Une journée autour de la Collection Pinault à partir de 9h45, petit-déjeunez sur le Grand Canal depuis le ponton du Palazzo Grassi, puis bénéficiez de visites guidées des deux expositions, entrecoupées d’un déjeuner libre.
Dimanche 8 : À la découverte des off de la Biennale avec Morgane Evrard. Fin du week-end à 16h.
Le tarif inclut le dîner d’accueil, les visites guidées de la Biennale et dans les musées de la Collection Pinault ainsi que le petit déjeuner au Palazzo Grassi.
Les frais de transport, d'hébergement et de restauration annexes ne sont pas compris. Nous vous conseillons de réserver rapidement. Consultez les conditions de vente.
Balade Membership à Venise
Hors les mursBourse de Commerce
Balade Membership à Venise
Hors les mursBourse de Commerce
À l'occasion des expositions Tatiana Trouvé au Palazzo Grassi et Thomas Schütte à la Punta della Dogana, ainsi que de la Biennale d’architecture, rendez-vous à Venise le temps d'un week-end.
Au programme :
Jeudi 26 : Dîner à partir de 20h à la Taverna La Fenice pour rencontrer votre guide Morgane Evrard et les équipes Pinault Collection.
Vendredi 27 : Biennale d’architecture de 11h à 13h et de 15h à 17h, suivez la guide dans l’Arsenal et les Giardini.
Samedi 28 : Une journée autour de la Collection Pinault à partir de 9h45, petit-déjeunez sur le Grand Canal depuis le ponton du Palazzo Grassi, puis bénéficiez de visites guidées des deux expositions, entrecoupées d’un déjeuner libre.
Dimanche 29 : À la découverte des off de la Biennale avec Morgane Evrard. Fin du week-end à 16h.
Le tarif inclut le dîner d’accueil, les visites guidées de la Biennale et dans les musées de la Collection Pinault ainsi que le petit déjeuner au Palazzo Grassi.
Les frais de transport, d'hébergement et de restauration annexes ne sont pas compris. Nous vous conseillons de réserver rapidement. Consultez les conditions de vente.
Sold out
Exhibition tickets 05/03-26/05
Bourse de Commerce
Bourse de Commerce
This single entry dated ticket gives you access to the exhibition "Corps et âmes", for the time slot you have chosen.
Full rate : 15€ /Reduced rate of 10€ and free entry according to the conditions for reduced price and free admission.
Free entry without booking after 4 pm for Super Cercle members, the free membership for 18-26 year olds.
Become a member : get free, unlimited and priority access to the Bourse de Commerce for a whole year with your Membership card!
Visite en famille sonore et en mouvement
Visits and activitiesBourse de Commerce
Visite en famille sonore et en mouvement
Visits and activitiesBourse de Commerce
Guided visit
Guidés par un médiateur, suivez en famille un récit interactif à travers les œuvres, et activez ensemble certains passage de l’histoire en son et en mouvement !
Equipés d’un smartphone bloqué sur écran noir qui servira ici de capteur, et grâce au dispositif CoMo.education développé par la chercheuse et designeuse Marion Voillot et l’IRCAM, les enfants pourront animer l’histoire elle-même : chacun de leur geste donnera naissance à un son. La visite sollicite l’expression gestuelle et la coordination corporelle : créez, jouez, collaborez, tous ensemble, pour expérimenter une nouvelle manière active d’explorer le musée.
En partenariat avec l’IRCAM (Institut de recherche et coordination acoustique/musique).
Durée : 1h
Tarif : billet d'exposition + 5€ (enfants et adultes)
Sold out
European Night of Museums
Bourse de Commerce
Bourse de Commerce
The Bourse de Commerce – Pinault Collection, inaugurated in May 2021, will be taking part in this year’s European Night of Museums for the fourth time to date. Visitors will be admitted free of charge from 7pm to midnight on Saturday, May 17. So don’t miss this special opportunity to discover the magnificent interior of this historical monument and its current exhibition "Corps et âmes".
The Bourse de Commerce Tour
Meeting point : Groups ReceptionBourse de Commerce
Meeting point : Groups ReceptionBourse de Commerce
Guided visit
This guided visit is an invitation to discover the ongoing exhibitions. It also highlights the magnificent historical features of the Bourse de Commerce: the great decorations that have been restored, the preserved remains, in dialogue with Tadao Ando’s radical and meditative intervention.
Visits in French are offered every day at 11.15am, and during the week-end at 2.30pm. A visit in English is organized on Saturdays at 4.30pm. Visit duration: 75 mins
Price : entrance ticket + 5€
Family Visit
Visits and activitiesBourse de Commerce
Visits and activitiesBourse de Commerce
Guided visit
Designed in connection with the exhibitions at the Bourse de Commerce, and guided by the mediation team, this one hour tour offers visitors of all ages the opportunity to explore the museum together.
For accompanied children aged 6 to 12, every Sunday 11:15 a.m. During small school holidays, every day at 4 p.m. The activity is conducted in French.
Duration : 1h
Price : entrance ticket + 5€ per participants (children and adults) / free entrance for Membership Solo and Duo
Visits and activitiesBourse de Commerce
Visits and activitiesBourse de Commerce
Guided visit
Imagined alongside the exhibitions and the programmes of the Bourse de Commerce and led by mediator-guides, these workshops invite young visitors aged 6 to 12 to train their eye and sharpen their sensibility for contemporary creativity.
The activity is conducted in French, without parents - they can visit the museum by booking an exhibitions ticket.
Every Saturday, at 3pm
Duration of the visit : 1h30
Price : 12€ / free entrance for Membership's children
For children with disability, we kindly invite you to share with us your specific requirements or questions concerning the workshop, by writing to the address : accessibilite@pinaultcollection.com
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